Zanzibar Holiday

Zanzibar Holiday Home About Us Zanzibar Holiday The best Zanzibar holiday trips in Tanzania Zanzibar is the perfect definition of a tropical island. Turquoise oceans, pearl-white beaches and loads of palmtrees. On top of that the island and its ocean are filled with gorgeous wildlife and empty beaches waiting to be explored. Zanzibar is your […]

Tarangire National Park

Tarangire National Park Home About Us Tarangire National Park is a national park in Tanzania‘s Manyara Region. The name of the park originates from the Tarangire River that crosses the park. The Tarangire River is the primary source of fresh water for wild animals in the Tarangire Ecosystem during the annual dry season. The Tarangire Ecosystem is defined by the long-distance migration of wildebeest and zebras. During […]


NGORONGORO CONSERVATION AREA Home About Us NGORONGORO CONSERVATION AREA With its animal packed Ngorongoro Crater! The Ngorongoro Conservation Area (809,440 ha) offers a great variety of landscapes. From vast expanses of highland plains to savannas and forests, but is mainly known for the Ngorongoro Crater. Once an impressive volcano, now an ancient natural wonder. The […]

Lake Manyara National Park

Lake Manyara National Park Home About Us Lake Manyara National Park is a protected area in Tanzania‘s Arusha and Manyara Regions, situated between Lake Manyara and the Great Rift Valley. It is administered by the Tanzania National Parks Authority, and covers an area of 325 km2 (125 sq mi) including about 230 km2 (89 sq mi) lake surface. More than 350 bird species have been observed on the lake.[1] History[edit] Since […]


ARUSHA NATIONAL PARK Home About Us ARUSHA NATIONAL PARK, TANZANIA Discover and explore the diversity of Arusha National Park! The Park is nested on the foothills of Mount Meru, the Africa’s most beautiful volcanoes and fifth highest peak. Only 45 minutes’ drive from Arusha City Centre, one finds this beautifully Park. Mount Meru make an […]